Corporate Social Responsibility

Cachalia Capital Responsible Investing Policy

1.Introduction Cachalia Capital manages funds on behalf of its client on a fiduciary scope. In performing this duty, Cachalia Capital believes that responsible investing (RI) should be part of the research process in evaluating current and potential investments.

“Responsible investment is the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into investment management processes and ownership practices in the belief that these factors can have an impact on financial performance.”

1 This Responsible Investing Policy sets out our guidelines and approach on how Cachalia Capital performs its stewardship duty pertaining RI. Also, this policy should be read in tandem with Cachalia Capital’s Proxy Voting Policy.

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Cachalia Capital Climate Change Investment Policy

Climate change has become a huge issue in today’s world and affects our everyday lives. It is vital that asset managers understand the importance and relevance of climate change in the context of the investment process and how asset owners can incorporate this into responsible investment policies, investment process and stewardship practices.

At Cachalia Capital, we understand how climate change will have significant physical and economic impacts on human and business activity. It affects all asset types and sectors. As a result, has an impact in the portfolio return, asset valuations and asset allocation processes of asset with diversified, global portfolios.

We understand that adhering to a Climate Change Investment Policy can protect the portfolios that we manage by protecting clients from climate- related risks and identifying new opportunities.

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